فارسی عربي


'We Are All Together' to screen soon

‘We Are All Together’ is scheduled to appear on silver screen in Eid al-Fitr.

The movie directed by Kamal Tabrizi will premiere after the holy month of Ramadan on Eid al-Fitr.

‘We are All Together’ is a comedy movie that narrates the story of a plane crash and reveals secrets of the passengers who survived the unfortunate incident. The film is said to be one of the movies with the largest cast in Iran’s cinema.

It has a string of stars such as Mohammad-Reza Golzar, Vishka Asayesh, Pejman Jamshidi, Mehran Modiri, Leila Hatami, Hanieh Tavassoli, and Mani Haqiqi.

The long list of stars goes on with names such as Javad Ezzati, Soroush Sehhat, Hassan Majouni, Mehran Ghafourian, Nader Fallah, Sirous Gorjestani, Ali Shademan, and Reza Naji.

